Planning and cost for balcony?


Registered User
Just wondering what the ball park figure would be to have a medium to small sized wooden balcony installed from first floor bedroom. We will be building a timber frame home within the next few months and am hoping to source the balcony from the timber frame company if possible. In addition, just wondering what the planning regulations are regarding balconies. Our rural site has open green fields to the rear so we would not be overlooking anyone.
conversion from a window to balcony would require planning permission (as it is not included in the 'exempted development' regulations).... however, if your architect / engineer is willing to sign it off as being 'substantially' in compliance with planning permission, then happy days.... otherwise planning will be an issue....retention could be sought for it after, but that again depends on your architect / engineer.....
(personally i wouldnt sign it off, as first floor balconies in a rural situation can be a sticky issue for some planners)
Thanks for the info syd. So backhander to the engineer eh!!! Any idea how much it would cost...that is the balcony not the back hander!!
sorry, ive no idea of the costs... specification of the balcony will be the issue here... ie treated hardwood or softwood.... guarding design, balustrade or glazed.... support posts or angled brackets.....etc