planning a bbq

Keep it simple - and cheap.

Marinated chicken fillets on skewers, nice burgers (Lidl 'gourmet' ones are good) nice sausages (Superquinn or the like?).

Other than that just side salad, couscous, potato salad - that kind of thing. Don't go mad, you''l be kept busy enough with the BBQ as it is!
Duck breasts. Mackerel with mustard. Scallops wrapped in bacon/parma ham. Prawns marinated in garlic and a little olive oil before being threaded on a skewer. Chicken drumsticks/legs. Aldi mature angus steaks.

Along with salady stuff and plenty of crisps/snacky stuff.
Dont forget that if you have any veggies coming be sure not to cook their food beside any meat... big no no
I used these for a BBQ few weeks ago, found them very reasonable:
[broken link removed]

Burgers/sausages are the main staples, chicken skewers and steak being next IMHO. Keep it simple is the best bet
My local butcher does a kilo of ribs, 2 kilos of sausages (incl gorgeous spicey ones), 15 chicken pieces (thigh, drumstick, wings) and 10 burgers (beef or pork and apple) for €25. I've never gone far wrong with that as the base of my BBQ. Chicken skewers are good too. Maybe some steak and some baked potatoes.
I agree with Caveat about not going mad as there's enough to do. I put the chicken in the oven for 50 minutes before giving it a turn on the flames. This gets it out of my way and also makes sure it is well cooked.
Then you just need some potato salad, coleslaw, cous cous and a few sauces. Aldi do lovely sauces incl a great tomato and chilli.
And a big contatiner full of beer!!
Suggestion for chicken marinade:

3 heaped tsps wholegrain mustard
3 tsps honey
half cup of olive oil*
qtr cup balsamic vinegar*
freshly ground salt and pepper
half tsp of chilli powder
8 crushed garlic cloves

* depends on how much chicken - may need to be increased/decreased

Marinade overnight if possible but for at least 3 hours anyway.


Be patient - if using a 'real' BBQ wait until all the charcoal is grey. This will take between 45 mins to an hour after lighting.

Cook the leanest stuff (any veg followed by chicken) first and the leave the fattiest (generally sausages) until the end.

Turn the chicken frequently for the first 3 or 4 minutes - at least once a minute as it will stick other wise as the marinade congeals. Should be OK after a few minutes as it hardens a little.

Have the oven on at around 100-120C so you can store stuff as it comes off the BBQ in batches.
Apparently, 'most of the professionals cook the food conventionally and then just finish off on the BBQ'..........did anyone else hear of this before???
Apparently, 'most of the professionals cook the food conventionally and then just finish off on the BBQ'..........did anyone else hear of this before???

This cuts down on the chance of being food poisoned and ensures the food is cooked properly and then finished on the bbq for the unique taste
I put the chicken in the oven for 50 minutes before giving it a turn on the flames. This gets it out of my way and also makes sure it is well cooked.

Apparently, 'most of the professionals cook the food conventionally and then just finish off on the BBQ'..........did anyone else hear of this before???

I always knew I was that good !!!
So stressing out over burnt sausages and steaks cooked too much/too little is unnecessary - thanks!
This cuts down on the chance of being food poisoned and ensures the food is cooked properly and then finished on the bbq for the unique taste

It also stops the fat dripping down so reduces the chance of flare ups

Another nice chicken marinade is sweet chilli sauce. Just guy a Jar, cut the chicken into cubes and marindae for a few hours - yummy !
I havn't tried it myself but I understand our local caterer steams the burgers first then finishes them off on the bbq