Places to buy blank canvas


Registered User
Anyone know where I can get a blank canvas 90cm * 60cm? I think I seen them before in B&Q/Homebase. I wont be painting on it so quality isn't a priority, I just want to wrap a poster print on it. Thanks
Woodies also have canvas, but the 'pound shops" are definitely cheap and even if you did want to paint on them the quality isn't bad either, regular and "box" type available there.
Evans' on Meetinghouse Lane, Mary's Abbey, Dublin 7 just off Capel Street is a good specialist art shop.
"Inspiring Ideas". Cater to all sort of arts & crafts. There is one in St. Stephen's Green shopping centre & also in Blanchardstown shopping centre. Reids of Nassau St. do mounting boards so might be worth your while phoning to see if they do these also. There's an art supplies shop also that I cannot remember the name of but I can give you directions. If you are standing outside the Bleeding Horse Pub looking back down towards Wicklow St. if you turn your head & look left you will see a going up to the left. A few yards up that street there is a very good arts supply shop also. Maybe someone else can name it from my description.
That's Kennedy's on Harcourt St., there's also a new art supplies shop just behind there on Camden Street.