Pink dvd channel on tv?


Registered User
Hi - our dvd player started to play everything in pink. That is - there was a strong pink colour, so that although you could see ok, everything was the wrong shade. So we decided it was broken, and bought a new one. Lo and behold, that played everything in pink too, so we feel it must be the tv. Every other channel on the tv is fine. We can't seem to pick a different channel to play dvd's on - the tv selects one by itself. (I'm not very technically minded, I'm afraid.) Any ideas anyone?
Thank you, TarfHead! It worked. We both feel a bit stupid now, mind you, with one perfectly good dvd player in the re-cycling bin, but at least we can go back to watching dvds. Thanks again.
I remember somebody recommending at some stage that we should invest in gold tipped scart leads for DVD players for better picture quality and sound quality. Funnily enough one of the scarts gave way recently, and we got a green picture and it was the only one in the house that wasn't......
mo3art said:
I remember somebody recommending at some stage that we should invest in gold tipped scart leads for DVD players for better picture quality and sound quality. Funnily enough one of the scarts gave way recently, and we got a green picture and it was the only one in the house that wasn't......
Probably just dirt on the contacts between the cable and socket which can be cleaned to rectify the problem rather than binning the cable or anything else.
Clean the house more frequently is my advice! Never had a problem like this even with cheap scarts!
I agree - cheap SCARTs should be fine for most applications assuming things are kept clean and tidy - unless you are an obsessive audiophile/videophile who claims to be able to perceive the differences in quality between cheap and expensive cables...