Picture frame style Showcases

LFC Murphy

Registered User

I'd like to give my wife a xmas present, amount other things I would like to showcase my wifes wedding shoes in a picture frame style showcase. However I am unable to find anything remoately close.

Any ideas,

Tk maxx often have showcases like the one you mentioned or try IKEA have a look at their website.
Im thinking of displaying something similar, its a venetian mask (quite large including feathers), I was going to ask a framers to mount it in a box frame with a velvet background. Perhaps this might suit your needs also?
Im thinking of displaying something similar, its a venetian mask (quite large including feathers), I was going to ask a framers to mount it in a box frame with a velvet background. Perhaps this might suit your needs also?

I was going to suggest that to LFC also.
Ya thats sort idea all right.

Saw the idea on a tv show the other nite. Will have a look around. It's prob something that would have to be made.
I was planning on trying a particular framers that have done some bits for me before, if they can do what i require Ill pm you the details - am hoping to get to it this weekend.
Sounds like an unusual present or maybe I just dont get out much. Where have you seen it done as I would be curious to see what it looks like.
It's unusual, but seen it on celb' mr & mrs last weekend, lucky my wife wasin kitchen.

It's more a surprise than a present.

Also would appreciate the details
I know a place who specialise in dis in Navan. PM me should you have no success elsewhe4e. Apolo6ies keyboad boken excuse spellin!
Company below is in Navan and in shop you will see lovely examples exacly wha u lookin 4. Phone 4 di4ec7ions.


I have no assoc wiv above - jus a happy cus7ome. Apoloies 4 boken keyboad.