Physical Exercise: How many minutes a day?


Registered User
Can anyone tell me if 20 mins a day is enough exercise for weight loss? I plan on Skipping as with bad weather is is ideal and it is inexpensive but how long and how fast should i do this for and how many times a week. Any info really appriciated as only just found out that i have a big wedding to attend the end of next month!
My Gym instructor told me anything less than 40mins exercise 3 times a week is of little use. Although maybe you need to incorporate some walking\jogging\cycling as just skipping all the time will probably become very very boring and might hurt your calves and ankles if its not something you have always done.

Swimming is good too.

And of course your diet needs to be correct to loose weight.
SteelBlue05 said:
My Gym instructor told me anything less than 40mins exercise 3 times a week is of little use.

I think that any exercise is better than no exercise; I think your gym instructor is alking about the optimum level of exercise for utilising fat stores.

However, skipping is going to get very boring. An exercise video or DVD would be better for indoor exercise, cycling or walking even better if you can incorporate them into your day (and you actually don't get wet that often).

Also remember that you need to do an awful lot of exercise if this is your only means of losing weight. SteelBlue05 is spot on in that you need to reduce your calorific intake.
I plan to do an exercise DVD twice a week and skipping for 20 mins 3 times a week. The dvd is about an hour long.This includes streches and so on. Thanks for the info guys!
Also, when someone mentions next Sunday and it's already Saturday, do you not automatically assume that they are, in fact, referring to the following sunday (second sunday). Wheras if it was, say, mid week or maybe Thursday at worst then they would of course be referring to the coming Sunday.

I am always unsure as to which Sunday people refer to when saying next Sunday, especially if it's already Fri, Sat or Sun. Sunday week does make things fairly clear thought.

I'll get me jacket!
From experience I would recommend getting few different fitness dvds as you can get really bored with just one. After moving away from my old gym I tried dvds and got so bored that I just had to join a new gym.
Sorry, I have obviously sent this to the wrong thread.
I'm really having one of those days. Help!


reduce the intake, increase the output. Thats how you lose weight. But be careful its not water you're losing...only fooling yourself. Also, if you crash diet your body goes into a kind of reserve mode and it slows down your metabolism if you are taking in way less energy than you need...thats counter productive of course.
Ha, I thought you were making fun of me there!
30 minutes a day is better than nothing, that's only 5 minutes per hour really.
I read an article in Readers Digest last week and it said that if you do enough excercise to break a sweat every day, it has enormous benefits for your health. It was a fabulous article, I really enjoyed it and found it very encouraging.
I would say 30mins a day of good exercise along with a good diet would make a huge difference. Its hard to stay disciplined to keep it going everyday but its better than not trying.
20m is a great start. Maybe try 20min a day for 3 months then increase it to 30min and again to 40min after another three months - eventually hitting an 50min/hour. If you simply can't afford an hour a day, try to come up with a way to incorporate exercise into daily life. Walk/cycle part of the way to work for example if its practicle. Perhaps it is possible to park your car a mile from work and walk that distance briskly everyday (thats 2miles a day). The best way to keep at something is to make it as convinent as possible. Some people set up huge exercise regimes only to tire of them after a week.
Can I just mention that if you consider yourself overweight and are not already regularly exercising then you really should go and see your doctor BEFORE starting an exercise regime.

Also you'll need to do a lot of regular exercise to see any significant weight loss, in fact you may even gain weight from regulart exercise as the muscle/fat ratio changes, muscle is more dense than fat. However you should look slimmer which I guess is what you're after.
Can you really skip for 20 minutes? 20 seconds with the kids skipping rope and I am shattered.
Well i certainly dont skip like any boxers or anything but i do ten mins skipping then a two min break and then another 10! Thats when i get into the swing of things but starting off is a different story!