Photograph on CV - Is it OTT.?

Oh still Flanders I would have to spend a few quid getting the right passport pic!!!!

And even if the photo was fab, the CV would be photocopied 4 times, and one of the photocopies would be faxed to another branch of the company where it would be photocopied again, and the photo will look like a zombie anyway.
Ask yourself why would you do this? What will it add? Unless you believe there is some subliminal reason that your CV with a photo will strike a chord, my advice as a HRBP is don't do it. Do target your CV to the role you are applying for and don't make it too long. Keep it strictly professional. It will be the content that matters.
Having worked in HR in big Irish company and overseas, I wouldn't recommend putting the photo on CV - always thinks it looks tacky and generally HR would take the photo off the CV before we'd photocopy it for other managers. Also, wouldn't recommend those expensive covers - they usually get taken off and binned as being too big and bulky to handle (waste of your money). Also worked in employment agencies and we never send CVs onto prospective employers with photos attached.