Phone/TV/Broadband package providors- New apartment


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Moving into a new apartment. Seems to have an agreement with Magnet Networks to provide all the of the above. Having looked into them, they seem expensive and don't seem to have a very good customer service record. Was just wondering what my options are. Do I have to go with them? I am really just interested in getting the tv (Sky Sports etc) sorted. I have broadband in work and spend my day on the phone and have my mobile so not too pushed getting broadband or a phone line. I will get a phone line if needed but can I use another provider. Even Eircom! (better the devil you know and all that Really haven't got a clue about anything like this.

This might kinda duplicate a post I have elsewhere looking for peoples experiences in particular with Magnet so apologies for that!
Sunny you probably read the bit on Magnet in the Lymewood Mews thread but suffice to say, we never went for it (stuck with NTL for the TV, didn't want phone and don't have a computer at home) and I believe most of those who did ended up switching back to eircom/NTL/whatever - don't think their customer service was up to much and Magnet ended up having to reduce the original package they were offering as there was no take up really...

very much a case of better the devil you know.

Thanks guys. Not Portlaoise but I think Magnet seems to be getting involved in lots of new developments. From what I can see, they do alot of the wiring etc free for the builders so that is how they get a foot in the door....Really bad reputation though!

Muffin1973, was your place wired for NTL etc or how easy was it to get set up? Am I not tied to Magnet then even though they seem to be ones that have done the wiring?
I really could not say anything positive about Magnet.

Their signal is TV intermittent and the phone quality is awful with feedback and echoes.

It sounds inexpensive but after adding on all extras, it ends up quite pricey.

They are the only telecoms operator in Ireland (mobiles included) that charge a call to the North as an international call.

It is nearly impossible to get through to customer service.

And this is before you try to use their awful TV system.
I have magnet at home and cannot complain out them

Went down once and came back the following morning

For €30 per month, I get 60 channel TV, phone line (free land line calls) and 4mb broadband (plus €6 for second tv)

House was prewired with CatV cables

Took about 15 mins to get all installed and can move tv from one room to another without any hassle

Not connected to magnet but seems to work fine for me

I have a friend who just signed up with Magnet...they didn't tell him that if he is downloading from the web it distorts his tv...this makes sense now as everything comes through his phone cable.He's really annoyed because he downloads tonnes of stuff every night but now while he's waiting he can't watch his tv have been warned!!
I live in a new estate. Magnet wired the whole estate for TV, phone, broadband.

It's been a disaster.

At a recent management co. meeting, the subject of Magnet was brought up. The general consensus is that the service is appalling, particularly in the areas of TV and billing.

People are up in arms because effectively we have no option but to use Magnet as satellite dishes aren't allowed and NTL don't have any cables laid in our estate.

If you have the option, steer clear.

If the residents have control of the management co. you may be able to get the restriction on satellite dishes removed if you can get sufficient support from other residents (this support might be easier to obtain than in normal estates if most residents are unhappy with Magnet).

Also if the management co. could demonstrate sufficient interest and that they would give permission for any necessary works it might be worth approaching NTL to see if they would consider laying cables.

A stiffly worded letter to Magnet from the management co. that other options are being considered might get them to buck up their act.

Of course all this is precluded on Magnet not having a contractual arrangement that guarantees them exclusivity (or if they have one, that it will expire soon).
We also signed up to Magnet as they offered a 'deal' of €19.99 per month for TV/BB/phone on our apartment block due to the initial low uptake. Due to the fact that we also had free basic ntl for the first few months, we didn't use Magnet all that much. Then ntl cut us off and things really went to pot! Phone stopped working at all after approximately 2 months and TV and broadband were down as often as they were up. Coupled with that was the fact that our bills suddenly went up to €55 per month after the first couple of months and when I eventually got through to their customer service they argued black and blue with me that BB was not included in our offer. Luckily I had the offer letter still in my possession and suddenly they backed down. I know others in the block also had this problem. Anyway I got my credit off them, paid them what I owed them and promptly changed to ntl... no phone but I guess if I managed 4 months without it when I was with Magnet, then I didn't really need it anyway!

Residents don't have control of the management co. yet as the estate won't be finished for quite some time.

Therefore, an approach to NTL would be a long way down the road.

I know other residents (myself included) wouldn't be happy with a relaxation on the satellite dish ban. I have no problem with them at the back of the houses but I think they look downright ugly on the front of a house.

At the same time, I fully understand their frustration. People shouldn't be forced to use Magnet especially when the service is so shoddy.

The management agents decided that because people were so frustrated, they wouldn't chase the people who currently have satellite dishes but they wouldn't be encouraging those who haven't yet erected them to do so. To me, this sounds like a recipe for disaster! Someone who moves into the estate isn't going to accept that they can't erect a satellite dish if their neighbour has been allowed to do so.

The management agents have said that they'll write a strongly worded letter to Magnet illustrating residents' concerns with a view to organising a meeting. If the meeting materialises, there'll be skin and hair flying!
dishes are an all or nothing thing and yes they look awful if they sprout everywhere. Whats wrong with semi-communal TOROIDAL dishes in back gardens serving groups of c.8 houses at a time , its very easy to do , cheap , and covers all the main sats on one dish Astra 1 , Astra 2 and Hotbird. You may then have a sky or setanta sub if you want
The thing that annoys me the most is that there is no choice for the residents. Everything is wired for Magnet and thats that. Must be against some European Competition law or UN Convention!!!

Sounds like an interesting idea 2Pac. Must check that out
I am against a sat dish free for all so thats the best solution. I did it for my brothers block of flats last year and the only complaint was from poor Nick the Ukrainian who wanted a satellite way off in the western sky. The Italians and Irish and and Poles got all their channels off Astra1 and Astra2 and Hotbird.

I think Nick put something in the garden eventually , bolted on a wall low down and that was OK because its invisible .

You get a yoke called a multiswith to 'distribute ' the signals from the one dish


a 4/16 way multiswitch could do 8 sky+ feeds 8x2=16 into each of 8 houses from 4 different sats.