Phone lines over house in way of planned extension. Can I just cut them?


Registered User
Hope someone can help and advise, searched forum but only info on pole obstruction...

There are a number of phone lines overhanging over the back of my house, you can practically grab one it's so low. The pole is in the rear laneway but because it's not on the corner the lines presently have to pass over my single storey at back of house for neighbouring properties. I have planning permission for 2 storey extension but cannot start until these wires are removed/heightened etc, they look terrible also!!

What should I do? Could I really have to pay anything?? Can I just cut them?!

Also, how long can all this take?

If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it
Hope someone can help and advise, searched forum but only info on pole obstruction...

There are a number of phone lines overhanging over the back of my house, you can practically grab one it's so low. The pole is in the rear laneway but because it's not on the corner the lines presently have to pass over my single storey at back of house for neighbouring properties. I have planning permission for 2 storey extension but cannot start until these wires are removed/heightened etc, they look terrible also!!

What should I do? Could I really have to pay anything?? Can I just cut them?!

Also, how long can all this take?

If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it

The general position seems to be that if your development requires the pole to be moved then you must pay for it.
Interfering with property which provides a service for the Public Good would be frowned on by the Courts.
So its probably not a good idea to interfere with the pole or the phone llines in any way.

Presumably you saw these lines before you bought the house.
You may have bargained down the price because if it.
Either way, it is a clear case of caveat emptor.

The fact you have planning permission is irrelevant to your current situation.
Planning permission goes with the land not the person and does not supersed the law of the land.
Your efforts would be better put into sweet talking some nice person from the service provider into moving the pole at a good rate.



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All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matters at hand.