Was expecting a call from that neck of the woods so answered it.There was a 20 second silence than a youngish girl told me they were calling about a crypto account I appear to have forgotten about.Has anyone ever answered them?
Apparently they are using AI to minic your voice, so it's not adviseable to talk with them at all. However, I was getting multiple calls from a european number a few months ago and eventually, I answered "Ola Ola....No Ingles" in a high-pitched, chirpy way and the calls stopped!Has anyone ever answered them?
That's scary...so if they have data on you, they can ring people you know and pretend to be you....using AI to minic your voice
Yeah, according to a friend of mine, they are ringing the contacts of a phone they've hacked starting a conversation with you so as to get your voiceApparently they are using AI to minic your voice, so it's not adviseable to talk with them at all.