Phone Book / Golden Pages


Registered User
AAAAGGGHHHHH - opened the door this morning to find both the golden pages and eircom phone book propped against the door. Picked them up and deposited straight into the green bin as I and all the neighbours do every year.

Why do they comtinue to deliver them ? have they not heard about t'internet ?
I heard something on the radio this week that they are getting rid of them.
Only caught the end of it, but I think they said it would only be sent out if requested.
I heard something on the radio this week that they are getting rid of them.
Only caught the end of it, but I think they said it would only be sent out if requested.

Heard that as well, not sure if they have a legal obligation to send them out
I think they have a legal obligation to make them available but not to send them to everyone.
In this green-obsessed world we live in I can't understand why this issue hasn't been tackled years ago.

Would it not be better to leave a card with each house. Then if you want a phonebook you can give it to your postman and he can pass it on?

That way they could probably print about 10% of the phonebooks they do now.
I can't remember when I last looked in a phone book.

Google is my friend.


Great idea. Like others mine went from the doorstep to the bin.
There's also the fact that by leaving them on the doorstep, they advertise to any burgler out there that there is no one home
I am in my house for 11 years and have never had a land line.
I still get the phone books each year.
Another one of these state contracts we cannot refute? Are they paid bonuses for delivering them all on time?
Golden Pages is a private company, it is not owned by the State.

If they stop delivering to every door in the country, they may as well close their own door, as this is the selling point that they use to attract advertising.
Great idea. Like others mine went from the doorstep to the bin.

Mine went from my doorstep to my telephone table and last year's editions went to the green bin.

Telephone table ! How bourgeois is that ?