Peugot 206 Trouble

  • Thread starter TiptoeMushro
  • Start date


Hello All,

I would really appreciate any help, I know I am new here so understand if I don't get much response!

I drive a 2003 Peugeot 206. Bought it March 06 & never had a problem with it. Until last week...

My boyfriend was driving it using the spare key and the car just turned itself off mid-trip. Was lucky we were only driving in 2nd gear at the time and not on the m50 or anything!

We pulled in and I restarted it with my key (the original) and it worked fine! I thought maybe that the spare key wasn't made for continiuos use and had "x" amount of uses or something??

Thought no more about it and tried to book it in for its now overdue service (about 10k overdue

But tonight driving home from work the same thing happened with my key and it wouldnt re-start! I had to abandon it and get a taxi home!

Not from Dublin so will need to get it towed by a garage asap and get it all fixed.
Any ideas for a garage or what could be wrong?

Any suggestions are much appreciated, Thanks...

PS: Living in south co. Dublin area
A car might stop like that because of an electrical fault, but it could be an immobiliser issue.

The immobiliser is an anti-theft device that prevents the car being started unless you use the correct key - the key contains a chip which the car 'reads' every time you stick the key in. These can get worn and - in my case - the chip became damaged on my spare key, causing the car (99 Skoda) to turn over and apparently start and then immediately cut out.

When this happens, there is no starting the car at all without a pin-number, which in the case of the Skod, goes in in a very awkward way using the trip meter control on the speedo. A complete pain (but at least I know the immobiliser works!).

I don't know about the immobiliser kicking in while the car is driving, but I'm sure its not unheard of - particularly if it has a fault? Suggest you check to see is that the problem first - look up the handbook and see if one's fitted and how to get round it if so.
Get it serviced!! 10,000 means its almost 2 services overdue!! Small wonder people buy their cars in the uk......Taxi+tow=cost of original service,no brainer imho.
Some main Peugeot Dealers are now offering servicing from €129.

See here for a list of Dealers in your area...

[broken link removed]
Fuel pump is a known fault on these cars, my aunt had a problem where it would cut out for no reason... also there is a red button on the right hand side of the engine bay for reset the pump you could try that to see if you can get the car home.