Peugeot 307 - downhill from here?


Registered User
I've read a few posts slating the 307, i don't mean to be repeating things here. I have an '04 and haven't had any major problems with it except for an ABS fault which has occurred twice since I bought it a year ago. This has resulted in getting it towed to the garage to be repaired. I was told today when i brought it in that i was due to get a letter recalling it - for what I have yet to be told! So it's currently in getting ABS and recall thing fixed.

Basically I'm wondering if it's time to think of getting rid of it? Am i perhaps facing more problems from here? Any opinions would be appreciated!
When I owned an 04 307 (8 months) it broke down 9 times,mostly with electrical/engine management problems.As I had a warranty this cost me nothing except time but I still gave it back to the dealer in the warranty period as it could not be trusted.IMHO get rid
Owned 2001 307 for two years from 04 to end 05. Mileage 95,000 and apart from the normal servicing only issue was a dodgy thermostat replaced. My sister in law bought the car from me and I'd definitely hear about it if there was a problem since.

Better the devil you know IMO.
Don't get me started bought one for the wife second hand it was about 6 months old at the time and got nothing but grief, fuel pump went, abs went speedo went, indicator stalk worked intermittently, electrics were on the blink constantly, 2 or 3 recalls for other stuff, all this went with under 30K miles on the clock.
very very disappointed with my 307 (04 aswell). a poor car for what you pay for it, and not a pleasant car to drive.

a lot of the time, a "skidding" like sensation when you move off.

car shaking when stopped at traffic lights.

cuts out.

where do I stop.
Thanks for the feedback!! Think it's time to start keeping an eye on carzone! I'll see how I get on with it for the next few months.......
I got rid of my 04 307 (which I had from new) four weeks ago. I never had any major major problems with it. Couple of niggly things, ie indicator stalk, recalls were a pain. Very very heavy on petrol too. Bought a little Yaris for running around in and no regrets. I even dont notice any major reduction in power having gone from 1.4 back to 1 litre.
no problems with my wifes 307 either,
it's an 04 that we got in march 06,
and we came from an 02 golf, 307 is much more spacious and bigger boot for stuff too
I've owned an 02 307 for the past two years without much trouble apart from a faulty oil temperature sensor and a recent abs fault which I want to get fixed very soon. Seems you can be lucky or unlucky with the 307. I have little to complain about.