Petrol or deisel car?


Registered User
I am thinking of getting a newish car.
Deisel seems cheaper than petrol at the moment.
What are the main differences between petrol and deisel cars?
Is deisel more economical - Do you get more mpg (assuming the car is well maintained etc)?
Are there road tax advantages?
Never owned a deisel, but remember that the engines used to be louder in those I have travelled in.
Any other differences?
Hard to answer without knowing how much driving you will be doing. Diesals are marginally louder and you get significantly more mileage(I'm getting 1200km a tank on a Peugot 308 tdi)
Depends wildly on what sort of car you're looking for. I think a general rule of thumb is that you get more miles per tank with diesel, but the initial diesel car is more expensive. Hence it depends on how much driving you are doing whether or not you'll in fact make a saving.
I also think that diesels have gotten much better in terms of noise etc over the years
Diesel is obviously also a very hard word to spell! Sorry I'll get me coat...

Ah, right, I though it was "i before e, except after D" - I wasnt far out out.

Have to get another car, as I will be doing around 100km a day for work, pretty long term.
Sounds like its the way to go.
Any idea of the % difference in mileage costs.

Is Diesel say 10% cheaper over a 100km journey?
Thant will help we weigh up the differences.

Personally speaking I find diesel cars much more comfortable to drive - more power meaning safer overtaking, and just easier drive than a petrol. Also I don't find them noisier than a petrol. If you're doing 24000 kms per year then I definitely would plump for a diesel but as username123 has said it depends on the deal you're getting on the car - i.e. how much more does it cost for the diesel version of the car you have in mind?
From the moment you drive a diesel for the first time you will never want a petrol car again. End of.
I think if you are going to be doing 100km a day average and of course longs trips etc on top of that for hols visting etc.. you would be mad to consider a petrol car.
I have had both several times and in terms of economy Diesel won hands down over all the petrol cars I have owned. Would not consider a petrol at all now going forward.. With your expected mileage a petrol car would be crippling.