Petrol & Diesel prices


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Is it just lately that diesel has become more expensive than petrol? i assume it would have something to do with more diesel cars now on the road and service stations needing to keep profits up? what kind of prices are ye paying around the country? 1.20 at my last fill of diesel.
i was told that diesel costs a good bit less to refine than petrol which is why it was cheaper all along, does anyone know if there is any regulator for petrol stations like the financial regulator for banks? its funny the way if theres a mention of oil prices going up, the prices in the forecourt goes straight up, but its much slower to come down as oil price drops!
Is it just lately that diesel has become more expensive than petrol? i assume it would have something to do with more diesel cars now on the road and service stations needing to keep profits up? what kind of prices are ye paying around the country?

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