Petrol Cost Strategy - Hopefully a key post


Registered User
Hello all,

Am wondering what strategies are available to minimise fuel expense.

Currently on my list is to review etc to find best prices but are there other strategies.

For example, currently I live in California, and I have a shell card which gives me 5% off all gas purchases.

If anyone has advice or strategy to minimise fuel costs I would appreciate.

To kick off:

1. Monitor prices - etc
2. Drive an economical vehicle.
3. Keep vehicle well serviced - keep tyres at correct pressure etc.

All other ideas are welcome.

Thank you.
Might sound obvious but going easy on the accelerator is the main one.

The number of people I see that speed around in urban areas and then have to slam on the brakes 5secs later, is amazing. If they were to take it a little easier and avoid racing, especially when they are blocked up ahead, they would easily gain a few mpg out of their car.

Having a heavy right foot is a bad thing for fuel consumption.

I also remember watching a TV piece about a guy who advocates trying to read the road ahead for every situation. He was gaining major mpg inprovements. That is, as much as 10mpg extra just by watching his breaking, what gear he was in, revs, accelerating etc. Leads to boring enough driving i'd say though.
Watch the tyre pressure keep the stuff in the boot to a minimum.

Otherwise don't obsess too much, as long as you don't plant the right foot too hard too often you should be good, only minimal saving after the big 3.
air conditioning is sore on juice. i know, i know, we only get to use it twice every year.
Is it economical at the current price difference between lpg and petrol to use lpg now?
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Am I right in thinking that its best not to carry roof rack/roof box unecessarily as these affect performance? Think I read this somewhere years ago.
There would be drag alright with a roof rack.

Also I find often to be out of date
LPG is not worrth in Ireland, in the uk it is half the price of petrol and available al over the place.

Not the same here.