Pet Turtles


Registered User
:confused: Hello,
I was wondering if anyone had any advice on keeping a turtle as a pet?
The one I had in mind was a very small species.If you could please give me any information on them that would be great!
thank you.:)
If you have children, I'd think twice about it - afaik, most reptiles are carriers of Salmonella and children are easily infected thru handling.

I saw a documentary where the parents of an 18 month old child bought a snake as a pet for themselves. The only let the snake out of the tank when the child had gone to bed at night and it slunk around on the carpet for a few hours.

The child contracted Salmonella from the snake 'wake' on the carpet and died.
Hi Ophelia,

You should contact the [broken link removed]and if possible speak to Gillian Bird who is very knowledgeable about all these pets. Some tortoises are being brought into the country illegally.

I understand that turtles can smell a lot so much so that it is noticable as soon as one comes into the house that they are kept in.

This [broken link removed]will give you an idea of how much care is required.
When I was younger I had one, I would not recommend them as a pet and they can get very smelly when they shed the skin on there shells
Yes, I am going very quickly off the idea. Actually it wasn't my idea in the first place. Perhaps we'll just settle for a kitten. Thanks for the advice