Pet hate - txt spk


Registered User
Have been looking through a few threads here on AAM and the abundance of text speak really annoys me. I can understand people using it on mobile phone texts, even though I don't myself, for economic reasons but to use it on forums is really frustrating. It costs nothing extra to type a full word. Not to mention grammatical laziness...
It drives me nuts when it appears in forums and I've been known to avoid replying to such posts. Don't mind it in texts and find it quite funny when, for example, the usually staid boss sends a text saying "c u in 5 wats up?".

I'm not so pedantic as to critisize the small grammatical or spelling errors (I do many myself) but so long as a post is written in plain english, is somewhat punctuated and makes occassional use of paragraphs my blood pressure remains healthy

Yes, I do make exceptions for different levels of education and the possibility of dyslexia etc. It's downright laziness and disregard from the reader (who such people are usually trying to get advice from) that gets me.
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Baldy, I too hate 'Text Speak'. In any of my texts I spell everything out, perhaps I make spelling mistakes but its never intentional.

Online, I would never use it, I would actually never use it anyway. My brother is awful, some messages he sends me, I haven't a clue what he's saying. I'm not massively older than him, but I still don't get it.

I send hundreds of texts a week, but I always spell everything out. If you can't take the time to talk to a person properly, what's the point?
I send hundreds of texts a week, but I always spell everything out.

Yeah me too - another text hater here.

In fact, I'm so bad that not only do I spell everything out, I actually punctuate properly in my texts too - always use full stops, commas even...semi-colons

I'm probably just sad.
In fact, I'm so bad that not only do I spell everything out, I actually punctuate properly in my texts too - always use full stops, commas even...semi-colons

I'm probably just sad.

Well that makes me sad also! Just had to text my sister the list of Irish Lions and it took an age with capital letters, spelling out each name, punctuation, etc.
The thing that really drives me mad on this board is when people type paragraphs using no commas or full stops, so that you have to read their post several times to get their gist.
The thing that really drives me mad on this board is when people type paragraphs using no commas or full stops, so that you have to read their post several times to get their gist.

that really irks me too. bloody hell, imagine having a wall of text with no punctuation or fullstops or commas etc. next thing you know, words will start appearing side-by-side with no spaces in between them. i think everyone just thinkstheyarealljamesjoyce....
Like Smashbox I just completely ignore those rambling types of posts.

I don't think I've ever read even one in full.
I just can't get through them at all, I lose interest after the first line and so I usually click off them and don't return!

It is against the Posting Guidelines to use text speak on this site. Therefore I don't find it very prevalent here. It is, however, a very big issue on, and one that is not very well moderated.
The thing that really drives me mad on this board is when people type paragraphs using no commas or full stops, so that you have to read their post several times to get their gist.
that fecker james joyce has a lot to answer for hasn't he the little git wait til i see his mammy i'll give her a piece of my mind the piece i have to spare which is more than what she has in total the auld bag and as for blazes boylan and him in the tower in sandymount or in the boozer...
This is the posting guideline.

Please take a little time to write your post carefully. Use complete sentences. Use paragraphs for longer posts. Do not use Text Speak.
I find posts which use three full stops (...) instead of one to be very annoying.

A lot of posters use it and i wonder whether it has anything to do with the device being used to post.

Some posters use the "at" sign to address other posters for example @Baldyman etc. Why not just use the posters name? Again perhaps this is a convention somewhere on the internet.