Pet-Friendly Flora


Registered User

I want to plant some low shrubs & plants in a couple of areas and also have a thin hedge / creepers for privacy around the back garden.

Can anyone recommend me some suitable ideas which are not poisonous to cats or dogs?

From my experience you want to be thinking more about Flora-Friendly Pets! My dog has ruined I don't know how many plants at this stage by either peeing or rolling on them or both.

Maybe raised beds might be the way to go. What pets had you in mind?
We've one dog and 2 cats at the mo. Was gonna get some buxus (unique, huh? ) but googled them and found out that they're poisonous.

It easy to find out the names of 'safe' plants, but I ain't exactly an expert on this kinda thing so I don't know what most of them look like.

I could google for pictures, but then I'm not sure of their suitability for the purpose, how high they grow if anyone has any ideas....
I really would not worry too much about the possibility of dogs or cats coming to harm through poisonous plants. They are carnivores and not in the habit of eating plants. Both cats and dogs enjoy chewing grass, and there have been cases of cats which were kept exclusively indoors getting poisoned by chewing certain house plants for want of other greenery, but outdoors this isn't really a problem. I am a professional gardener and an animal-lover, so I would be quite aware of this issue.
Box hedging (Buxus) certainly is no problem; it has wiry, hard branches and leaves, and cats and dogs don't eat it. Also, a lot of 'toxic' plants are not lethally poisonous and would make an animal feel sick and maybe vomit, but not do any greater damage. Things like using slug-pellets are a greater danger, but even there I have only once or twice heard of a case of suspected (not proven) pet poisoning. A lot of poisonous plants also taste bad (the nightshade family being an example), so pets won't touch them anyway.
You could also plant things cats actively go for, such as festuca glauca (blue sheep's fescue, a low grass), and nepeta (catmint) - they'll be too busy chewing and rolling in this to touch anything else. I'm not aware of anything dogs particularly love - they really only ever chew grass.
As for advice on what to plant - the main thing is to get plants suitable for the aspect (sun or shade), and the soil. For size, don't trust the labels; in ideal conditions, plants usually get a lot taller and wider than what is stated. Be wary of fast-growing plants; they are great for the first year or two, and a plague thereafter, if your garden is smallish...
I really would not worry too much about the possibility of dogs or cats coming to harm through poisonous plants. They are carnivores and not in the habit of eating plants.

I would disagree with that - I would agree that the risk with indoor only cats would be higher but would still advise caution over what plants are used; see the RSPCA site for their article on lillies, see for a list of plants poisionous to cats........ As someone who regularly watches my 4 cats chewing on plants cause they fancy the look of them in my back garden,I would avoid planting anything that might be poisonous should they fancy a chew....