Personalised mugs Where to find them?


Registered User
Anywhere in the Dublin area sell these

Looking for one with name on it as a gift

Saw the below based in Donegal

Are there any others that anyone knows of ?

Bonusprint will put any jpeg on a mug for a tenner plus p&p. You could design your own picture incorporating the person's name and save it as a jpeg. But the mugs are fairly basic white ones - not as nice as the Moville ones.

There used to be a place in Temple Bar (and Galway) called [broken link removed] where you could go in and paint whatever you wanted yourself on crockery and they'd glaze it for you so it was permanent. But I'm not sure if they're still there because their website address seems to have been taken over by a guy in New Zealand. You could try phoning the Dublin number in the link though.
Some good card shops usually sell them and Meadows & Byrne should also stock them...