Personal Retirement Bond


Registered User
Looking for some advice on above

I have been offered an ETV from a previous DB scheme where , which is 100% funded and solvent. I am seriously considering taking the offer, as it is attractive and I like the flexibility it brings. Reading up on it, there is still some information online, suggesting that that if the PRB is in respect of a DB scheme that you have take an annuity and lump sum up to 150%. Elsewhere suggests a transfer from DB is now treated same as DC, ie 25% lump sum and transfer to ARF.

Can anyone confirm as I wouldn't consider the offer if I had to buy an annuity when I cash in the PRB.

You can now take the 25% tax free lump sum and ARF option from PRB's that came from DB schemes. The rules were changed so you could a number of years ago.

Steven (