Personal loan


Registered User
Is there any way possible to get a loan without having a job? Ive been away for the last few months and am unemployed at present. Was hoping to get a loan of around 20K to set myself up with a taxi and work for myself. My bank said they wouldnt entertain me seeing as Ive no way to show I'll be able to pay back the loan even though Ive a mortgage with them with over 150K equity.
Most lenders will assess your application based on you ability to service the repayments and if you have no income then they are unlikely to entertain the request. How are you managing to pay the mortgage? They may think that it's OK for you to have €150K in debt to them but €170K would be too much of a risk or something like that. Have you shopped around assuming that you are confident that you can afford more debt?
Thanks Clubman.
They require payslips and need to see the ability to repay but even if i was working Id be leaving to start taxiing.
Dont suppose you know how they give clearance for financing in car dealerships? I have a few thousand to buy plate etc but the car is the problem. I was thinking of getting one on finance. Is their checks the same as a banks?
Thanks again.
Dont suppose you know how they give clearance for financing in car dealerships? ....... Is their checks the same as a banks?

Yes it is, in fact any finance you avail of via the dealer is going to be a loan from a finance house i.e GE money and not from the garage.