personal loan brokers



does anyone know if there are broker agencies in ireland that arange a personal loan for you, if so could you please post there names or drop me email, so hard to find a legit agency when you search online
Hi Bdeco11,
I'm afraid I don't know of any. But it's obvious that you are very stressed out and worried. Maybe going to speak to MABS 1850 283438
( ) like has already been suggested might be a way to help sort you this out?
There is always a way to improve things, and MABS might help you to do that.
You could also post here on the Money Makeover Thread, and maybe get some advise there too?
Just be very careful about making financial decisions without further advise. It's easy to make the wrong decision when you're anxious and under pressure, so taking a step back and speaking to a neutral helpful advisor might make things feel a bit more manageable.
Best of luck
