Personal loan advice


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Hi.Our family needs a new(second hand) car.We are lookin for 5k loan.Before any applications we checked our credit histories.Reports we recieved from Irish credit buries came blank.Well,i never had loan myself,but my partner had loan from credit union,which she sucesfully paid of.But it wont show up on report.I have aib account so i applied and been refused.
At the moment my partner have 4000e credit union loan with 3400 left to pay. we also have 2000 in credit union savings.
We really need money,but banks wont give it to us,neither credit union.
we are on full time jobs.i earn 1800e/mont,she 1500.

Where else can i get loan?Is there any private lenders or something?
There are personal credit lenders , but they charge interest of up to 150 % apr .................stay away from them
It could be that the amount you are asking for is too high. Lots of cheaper cars around at the moment and you will not need 5K for them. Maybe talk to the bank about getting a 2-3K loan instead.