I have fallen behind with my company pension payments with CWPS. I have been in discussion with them to sort out a payment plan and they sent me a schedule of arrears today. They also sent me one for another comapny. So I now have a list of the other company's employees, name, address, DOB and PPS number! Unbelieveable but true. I think it is my duty to report them to somebody but to who? Should I contact the company in question?
The Office for Data Protection is who you need to report this matter to. Under the Acts there is a statutory duty to keep all personal and sensitive data in a safe and secure format.
I would also contact the data processor in the institution to notify them that you received the personal details about their customers in error.
I don't want anybody to lose their job over this but I would like them to be more careful. They hounded me for weeks looking for my P35 and I was very reluctant to give it to them so I supposed I have some twisted sense of smug satisfaction that I was right! I will ring the Office of Data protection. Thanks.