Personal Finance Web-based application



We are developing a web-based personal finance application focused on Irish/UK market. Application will be along same lines as Quicken, MS Money etc. I am wondering if you could please give your comments on followings:

1- How likely you would consider to use such application?
2- How much you think it should cost per month?

Just my tuppence worth....
I wouldn't be likely to use such an application if I had to pay for it. There are a lot of free options available or I would just set up my own spreadsheet....
i am an ms money user. I would use a online service for a small fee , maybe about 20 - 30 euro per year.
I think the 'Freemium' model works best for most online providers - i.e, give basic usuability for free but charge for additional features. You would probably need a lot of users to generate an income this way though.