Hi Raul, you are in a pretty good situation and have some clear objectives in mind - better than many at your age.
A question I have for you is what are your projected savings for the next 5 years. Given your goal of purchasing a home, before considering investments you should project how much money you will have in 5 years if you maintain your current savings regime - perhaps a lower risk option (such as a high interest savings account) might be best for you.
5 years is actually a short-term duration for investment in the equities markets (for some good insight into this, read
http://www.askaboutmoney.com/guide/ch08.htm), so you will probably want to look for lower risk investments (even though you said that you can tolerate higher risk as you are young, I find that most Irish people really don't like to lose money!)
With that said, say you decide that you still want to take a risk and put some of the money into the stock market. I won't recommend any fund in particular for investment - however I will give you some guidelines from my own experience. To reduce your risk, your investments need to have exposure to a couple of markets, not just one ("don't spend all your money in one shop" as my father used to say). Also be extremely vigilant of fees associated with these funds. Ireland's managed fund business is in relative infancy (compared to the US), so fees can be quite high. As well as managed funds, you should consider ETFs - funds of a sort (but they trade as stocks), but without active management (so fees are lower), typically tracking some market index (such as the ISEQ20 for example). Other threads on here cover these topics in a lot more detail, as well as many sites/articles on the web.
Best of luck!