Period between death and grant of probate


Registered User
Hi All.

My father died a while back and unfortunately has left me as executor of his will. In it he left his house in equal share to me and my siblings.

We will probably sell the house, but yet to be agreed fully.

My question is one sibling has issues, including mental health and drug problems, and I don't really trust him to have access to the house unattended. In this period between death and probate can I legally lock up the house and deny access until such time as his name is on the deeds or when the house is sold?

As executor you have a responsibility to protect the assets of the testator. If you fail to protect the assets, the beneficiaries can hold you personally liable for any losses.
You can waive the executor role and let the next in line decide if they want the job by the way, but your dad did pick you and I understand you might feel you're letting him down etc.