Percolation on someone else's land


Registered User

I am looking to extend my house, but I know I do not have enough land to do so (I have enough land to physically build the extension and house the septic tank, but not enough for percolation rules). My site is a little over 1/4 acre pre-1964 so no planning issues at the moment.

I want to aproach the farmer who owns the land and I am hoping to give him 3 options.

1 - sell me 1/4 acre- which I don't think he will be to inclined to do as he uses the land for farming.

2 - Sell me the land, I'll leave it unfenced and he can have a right of way through it.

3 - Don't sell me the land, but left me put a percolation area in it and have a ley way to acess it. I'm somehwat worried that the council wouldn't grant planning on this option.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

and yes I am fully aware he has a 4th option!!

"I want to aproach the farmer who owns the land and I am hoping to give him 3 options."

In this situation,if I was the farmer I would definitely go for the fourth option.
I understand fully that the farmer would be going out of his way to help me - I do get on fairly well with him and I would think that he would like to help as long as it didn't put him out too much.

Has anyone done anything similar in the past?

I'd be very interested if anyone had any idea of how the planning people would view this situation.

I have any engineer coming next week as well, but just looking for people's thoughts before that.

You can only hope that he sells you the land as all the other proposed options you mentioned would (if accepted by the planning board) complicate things if you (or the farmer) went to sell the grounds in the future, as the perculation area does not belong to you.

Anyway minimum distances of septic tanks & percolation areas are recomended guidelines only - if you can fit the system in your grounds Id apply & see what the planners say first, or at least go to a pre planning meeting first.

Best of luck
Mr Tayto

Would you mind letting me know how you got on with planning permission for this issue. Were looking at doing a similar thing, only the adjacent field is owned by my father in-law so hopefully there should be no issue with him letting us use the land for the perculation area.

