Percentage of housing that is built by property developers


Registered User
Sorry to bother everyone, Im doing a project for college and doing some commentary on housing completions in Ireland for the last few years.
Im trying to find out what percentage of houses that have been built in Ireland were built purely by property speculators. Ie they didnt have a specific client in mind.
Been searching the net all day but havent found a figure. Id imagine it would be high maybe around 75% but it would be nice if I had a reference to a report to back it up.

I don't have time to go through the site to find if the specific information you're looking for is included on their sitebut the Central Statistics Office have a section dealing with the construction industry. You might get some info there. Even if the info you need isn't there in black-and-white, you might be able to make certain inferences from the statistics produced by the CSO.
Had a better look on the CSO site. Think this report might have just what you're looking for. Referring to what I said before about making inferences, the summary at the beginning of this report gives details of the number of planning permissions granted to development houses and one-off builds, thereby giving an indication of the actual house builds.

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Had a better look on the CSO site. Think this report might have just what you're looking for. Referring to what I said before about making inferences, the summary at the beginning of this report gives details of the number of planning permissions granted to development houses and one-off builds, thereby giving an indication of the actual house builds.

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That is a very good point, I had downloaded this document before but I hadnt thought of that. I took it to mean one-off houeses as detached but you are right it more likely means houses built by the end users by a contractor. At least as you say I can make an inference from it.

Also thanks to the others that replied.
I would have said Developers simply build whatever the market wants. Speculators are those who buy something and hold onto it in the expectation that when they sell it later they will make a super profit. Developers may do something akin to this in the purchasing of land but when they build a house it's 100% in the expectation that they will sell it when it's finished.

The Developers may have built more than what was really required due to the fact that speculators wished to buy units off them and sell at a later date but the Developer is still only meeting demand, albeit from speculators. Speculators buy something, they don't build it. The units may have been built for them, but not by them.

What constitutes a speculator is also a bit vague. It's not some big fat business man. Many trader uppers in the last 5 years will have become accidental landlords by not selling their original house when trading up, instead holding onto it and renting it out, speculatng that prices would continue to rise.
The Dept Housing stats are more detailed and up to date, they have 2007 figures.

The figures for 2006 were total number of units 93019.

Individual house 22806
House as part of scheme 50267
Apartments 19946.