L larkin Registered User Messages 23 5 Jun 2008 #1 Does anyone know or can point me to info on how much the average house-price has decreased in the last year or 2 years?
Does anyone know or can point me to info on how much the average house-price has decreased in the last year or 2 years?
N NicolaM Registered User Messages 762 5 Jun 2008 #2 Hi Discussion on house prices is banned at the mo...See (linked to other sites you might get info on, eg propertypin etc) Nicola
Hi Discussion on house prices is banned at the mo...See (linked to other sites you might get info on, eg propertypin etc) Nicola
L larkin Registered User Messages 23 5 Jun 2008 #3 thanks - did'nt know it applied to the past decreases, just the future. cheers for the info
D Dave Vanian Registered User Messages 1,346 5 Jun 2008 #4 I'm not sure if the ban on discussion of house prices extends to a ban on historic research. Permanent TSB and the ESRI publish a house price survey which you can read [broken link removed].
I'm not sure if the ban on discussion of house prices extends to a ban on historic research. Permanent TSB and the ESRI publish a house price survey which you can read [broken link removed].
C cjh Registered User Messages 174 5 Jun 2008 #5 You'll find information on house price drops here: http://www.irishpropertywatch.com/