People who won't turn on the heating

So do I but my girlfriends cold feet always make sure it never gets too hot! What is it about women and cold hands/feet?

Sorry, I beg to differ. Im like a small radiator in bed, my husband always has cold legs that he insists on squashing against me to get some heat
turf may not be the best fuel but if you're getting it for nothing (bar some back breaking labour) why wouldnt you use it.

How does turf work out in a stove? Loadza ash I suppose.

Viva les turfcutters, Ming is our King

My parents got it done in their 3 bed council house in Kerry last year. Beads in walls and insulation put in attic. Think it worked out at about 300 euro or thereabouts. Was originally around 900, but grant brought it well down.