People get real - turn the heat up!

I prefer the heat too. Absolutely hate feeling cold and my hands seem to be permanently cold regardless of the temp. Don't mind wearing layers when I'm outside but I don't agree with having to wear them indoors. Don't use heating in the bedroom at all but usually find other peoples homes very cold to the extent I have to borrow clothes from them! I don't have an open fire but would love one!
we built the house ourselves and have it well insulated.we have central heating and a solid fuel stanley stove with back boiler to supplement the oil heating.The oil tank is 900 litres and was last filled in Decemebr 2007 and it hasn't run out yet.

since the weather cooled own we light the fire every evening which keeps the sitting room nice and cosy and the rads warm. we rarely use the oil (obvioulsy!) and when we do it would only be for an hour or two in the evening if it was really cold.
I don't see the point in having the whole house really hot when in the evening we only ever use the sitting room.

The bedrooms would usually not be very warm but i prefer it like that.
Good quality warm bedding but cool air is just perfect.

i hate going into houses that are over heated...rads almost too hot to touch and windows never opened to let in fresh air. surely it can't be healthy?
We have the thermostat at 18 and all of the upstairs rads have thermo valves set at the lowest they will go.

The house is very well insulated and I am sitting writing this in slacks and shirt.
I have it at 18C on underfloor heating , which means the floor is about 20C and the stat at 18 . It is comfortable.
I have it at 25 downstairs and 18 up for two hours each eveening only--never on in morning, don't need it ,always rushing. Light a fire in eve also like to be nice and warm when sitting around.
15 degrees at night and about 20 degrees in the mornings and evenings. Other half in a t-shirt and me in a fleece, plus occasionally a blanket and hot water bottle. Agree with the poster who says 25 degrees for a bathroom, can never have a bathroom too hot. Men don't feel the cold as much as women in my experience and it's nothing to do with being brought up without central heating.

Hi love - didn't know you posted on here .
Bit OT excuse

I do not have a thermostat on each rad. I can turn it up and down/off but there is not a marking for the temp degrees? I have a thermostat on my boiler but how to know the temp for each rad
Hi love - didn't know you posted on here .
I see you left your wet towel on the floor this morning and you didn't put your socks in the laundry bin, will you ever learn petal . It's quite hot in the office now as the boss treated me to wine with lunch, it's the fourth time this week so I seem to be doing well as he must think highly of me. Though the other girls were looking at me a bit strangely Jealous I suppose. At least it's warmer than at home as you won't let me turn the heat up .
at the moment we would be 20 - 21 degree people...we have underfloor heating and a heat recovery thingy...last week we decided to leave boiler on constant and let the thermostats look after keeping the house at temperature which is working very well.the house is always fresh inside because of the HRV system.
when I am at home I wear my normal clothes with a floor length dressing gown over them and a scarf and I'm never too warm. Actually having just written that I think there may be something wrong with me!

Maybe this is for you deedee?

[broken link removed]

It was in some magazine discussing the worlds craziest inventions. I showed it to the better half for a laugh but I could see genuine interest in her eyes. Said magazine has been disposed of, imagine coming into that every evening...
I can't comment on the previous post.

There was an interesting post by a plumber (?) recently about the fact that it's better to have the heat on constantly instead of letting the house go to freezing cold and then having to heat it up.

Ive a friend just like you DeeDee (maybe it IS you?) - I nearly pass out in her car or house, and she would be shivering while Im melting away on the floor.
Even in the summer she is in long sleeves and a few layers.

Some people are just colder critters than others. Ive absolutely no idea what temperature my heating is at - there is no temperature gauge on the boiler, but I do prefer the bedroom cooler than the rest of the house.
I despise the cold. I work for someone who goes around turning the heat in my office off . . . .

Himself is wandering around the house in his shorts and sandals. I am akin to a polar bear wrapped up in layers. Its very disturbing but our currented rented home which is a new build is appallingly cold. I sit and watch blinds move with drafts.

If this happens in our new house I will cry like a new baby. Feck Med temps I fancy Carribean levels.
I wonder what way I should have things set up regarding heating? I like a house at about 18 to 19 degrees, the wife prefers something warmer. And we have a newborn so we have been heating it a bit more since he has harrived.

We have just installed a new gas boiler that has an lcd display on it and you can set the temp on that to anything you like up to 80 degrees. The boiler heats the rads and the hot water. There is a dual clock on it for CH and HW. We have thermostatic valves on the rads, with zero to five the options. So we dont have thermostats on the walls that set when the heating is on and off.

What I have taken to doing is running the heating on about 30 degrees, which makes the rads heat up moderately, and it keeps things about 20 degrees I reckon. But then there is no hot water, so when I get up I usually turn up the temp on the boiler and turn off the CH switch so the boiler is only heating the water. I'm not sure if this isthe most efficient approach, would I be better putting the boiler to a temp that heats the water satisfactorily and play around with the thermostatic valves so that they are regulating the temperature? Adivce please!!
20* kitchen, lounge and bedroom from 5.30 to 10.00. No rads on during the morning/day except weekends.
Another vote for a cooler house but the missus would gladly have the heat at the highest setting all the time if she could get away with it.

Tell me about it same here. The heat knocks me out. I prefer the window open with clean fresh air instead of a stuffy house.

Oh my god Norfbank - I would seriously buy one of these!!! That would be the best Christmas present ever! Its my bday this weekend and I've already been given a hot water bottle and fleecy pj's!

Hi Truthseeker.....hmmmm that does sound suspiciously like boyfriend won't travel in the car with me when I'm driving cos he says its too hot and bad for his health!