



I'm clueless in terms of pensions.I haven't made the effort into getting one.

I have nothing set up for when I retire. I'm 27 now. Have I left it too late?
Also I am in a job that I don't see myself being in for a long time. Can I still
contribute to a pension when I leave?

All recommendations are welcome.

I'm 27 now. Have I left it too late?

No but you need to figure out if you need to start a pension now (e.g. if you don't already own your own home then this may be more of a priority) and if so what your target retirement date and fund size might be and how much you can reasonably contribute in order to plan to achieve these.

Also I am in a job that I don't see myself being in for a long time. Can I still contribute to a pension when I leave?

Assuming that there is no occupational scheme in your current job then your employer must faciliate your participation in a PRSA although you could set one up yourself and if you choose.

When shopping around for a pension pay careful attention to the charges (e.g. Standard PRSA charges are capped at 5% of each contribution and 1% annual management fee charged on the full fund value but you can get lower than these for a once off arrangement fee or with some non-PRSA personal pension plans), the fund selection and service provided. Always read the small print carefully and bear on mind that any projections provided are illustrative only and do not guarantee the returns described.

If in doubt make sure to get .