Pension refunds or additional contributions?

  • Thread starter leavingsoon
  • Start date


Hi there,
New to this so bear with me. I am currently contributing to a public sector pension (medical). I am due to leave the country to work in the States later this year and was wondering what to do with my pension. I am not sure if I will be returning.
Should I leave it as is and claim when retired?
Can I get a refund of contributions to plug into a pension scheme in the States?
Can I keep the pension and make additional contributions to it then claim later?
Any help woould be great!
contact your HR department.
It is probable if you have contributed for longer than a minimum period of time (for example over two years) to the pension scheme that your benefits will be preserved with the body until you reach retirement age. If you have not contributed for the minimum period it is likely your contributions will be refunded less any tax liability.