Sorry Zag but thats a load of rubbish to say that its a bad idea to invest just to save on tax, please tell me another investment that will deliver 20% or 42% return (depending on your tax band)??????
Teresa it is always a good idea to increase your pension and to plan adequatley for your retirement, Zag did have a good point in that you should be careful about who is giving you the advice and always secure the best deal that you can for yourself.
I assume you are below 29 if 15% is the max you can pay, as you are only 29 you can afford to go into high risk funds as you have a minimum of 30 years to ride the ups and downs of the equity markets. A secure fund is no use to you as over a long period inflation will erode any of the small return you would make on a secure fund
If you need to know any more let me know