> I am a PAYE employee who sold some stock options in 2003. Therefore I need to complete my tax payment at the end of October. I will be offsetting some of the funds due by adding to a pension fund
I presume what you mean is that you'll do a lump sum pension contribution to offset some of the INCOME tax due on the exercise of stock options at a discount to the market value at the time? Note that stock options generally attract both INCOME tax (on the difference between the market value at the time of exercise and the discounted option price) and CGT (on the difference between the disposal price and the market value at the time of exercise). If you exercise and sell at the same time then only INCOME tax applies. If any CGT is due then this is completely separate from INCOME tax and you cannot reduce your CGT liabilities through pension contributions etc.
> My question is what is the best option
- to pay AVC's into my existing company pension
- pay a single dividend into another pension
This seems to be a separate question to the tax issue and the answer depends on the charges that apply, investment/fund choices, flexibility etc. offered by the different pension options.
Note that you can also make a lump sum contribution before October 31st of any year in respect of "unused" pension contribution tax relief from the previous year:
Maybe you can post more details if possible?