Pension on Form 11 on ROS

Hurling Fan

Registered User
Just wondering if anyone could tell me where on the online version of Form 11 I can enter a pension payment. Have been doing my tax return online for a couple of years and have just started a pension but just can't see where this should be entered so the tax relief is automatically calculated. Have left a few messages with the ROS tax people but they haven't called me back.

Thanks a million.
Last year (2003 return) I mistakenly put my pension contribution into the Superannuation Contributions (lump sum payment) field on the PAYE/BIK/Pensions form.

Based on a conversation I had with the Revenue I believe that this pension lump sum contribution should have been entered into the Personal Tax Credits form Retirement Annuity Relief / PRSA sub-form.

When I went into the ROS Offline application and made the above adjustments, there was no change to the amount of tax due.

However, even though this change did not affect the results of the tax calculation, this Pension contribution still needed to be entered into the correct field on the ROS offline application.
personal tax credits, tick box for retirement annuity prsa, continue, click on calculator fill in .