Pension Neglect for Fixed-Term (Contract) Worker



I was employed as a fixed-term worker (contracted employee) at one of the main Universities in Dublin from 2002 - 2007

As part of the fixed-term workers act (in effect July 2003), I was legally entitled to the provision of a pension by the University. I have not yet received any pension contribution from the University.

This is not an isolated situation, as most fixed-term workers at the University have also not yet received their pension. This matter was serious enough for the main scientific funding body in Ireland to block all national funding in protest against this particular University and others at the time refusing to acknowledge the provision of pensions.

Other examples of action taken include strike action by fixed-term workers at University College Dublin and the formation of an association within my University to put pressure on the employer.

However, the University in question still seems to show little regard for those fixed-term workers affected and the association. Their current response is that they will implement a pension scheme subject to the individual's circumstances and any implementation could take 3-5 years.

I'm suprised this hasn't made the frontpage of the newspapers considering that it involves an estimated > 100 employees at a prestigious University based in Dublin. Who knows...four years on from the fixed-term workers act and five years later, we may get just our pensions. Hopefully before retirement anyway!!

Any comments or suggestions to approach this issue would be most welcome.