Pension - my mother is not entitled?

If your parents weekly income is less than €700 per week, they should qualify for fuel allowance.
While we are waiting for the OP to revert with details and updates, I thought it was worth picking up on this point. I recently checked the Fuel Allowance Scheme on behalf of an elderly relative and was very surprised at how the means test has changed, especially in relation to the over 70s. The scheme now comes in two parts with one set of rules for the Under 70s and a different and more generous regime for the over 70s. The weekly income allowance if one or both are over 70 is now €1,000 for a couple, increasing to €1,024 on 1st Jan 2024 and €500 for a single applicant, increasing to €512 on 1st Jan 2024. The capital allowances have also increased, with the first €50,000 disregarded and a stepped calculation on amounts in excess of this. Also, increases such as the Living Alone allowance and the Over 80 allowance are now disregarded. I had checked on behalf of this relative some years ago and they were nowhere near qualifying, however they now appear to pass the means test quite comfortably. Might be worth reviewing if you know of anybody who is interested.
1. I agree with you @Marsupial, but they are getting enough earnings to do their jobs properly. Certainly, I don't feel like doing their jobs for them. i
2. Some years ago some people in the Dep of Social Welfare went after abusers of the system and TD's lined up to condemn them.
3. About 30 years ago a person in Cork started reporting abuses of the system to Social Welfare and his name and address were daubed on many walls in Cork as being "An Informer."
4. The University Grant system is being openly abused by people and nobody seems eager to do anything about it.

Apologies, I don't have the same faith in the system as yourself.
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