Pension Investment


Registered User
Can anyone advise where you can compare performances of various Pension Investments across various pension companies as my employer has decided to wind up pension scheme and I do not want to put it in Buy out Bond?
When you say you don't want to put it in a Buy-Out Bond, why not? A Buy-Out Bond is just a vessel. You choose what to do with the funds that you put into the vessel. You can have a Buy-Out Bond that invests entirely in fixed-rate deposits. Or a Buy-Out Bond that invests in equity funds or managed funds or absolute return funds or property funds. Or if there's a large enough fund, you can have a Buy-Out Bond that buys a property as an investment.

Depending on your circumstances, you may not have any choice but to transfer your fund into a Buy-Out Bond, although you don't have to choose the Buy-Out Bond that your employer nominates. You can choose your own. Have a look at this Key Post for some of the other options that may be available to you.

There are a few sites where you can get past performance of various pension funds. [broken link removed] from Rubicon Investment Consulting that tracks the past performance of one category of fund - Managed Funds. It's worth repeating the old mantra - past performance is not a guide to future returns.