Pension fund transfer took 3 months. Where was it?


Registered User
In 2017 our group pension changed from Zurich to Aviva. The transfer out date was in Nov 2017 and the transfer into Aviva was in march 2018.

I have asked where my fund was for over 3 months but am getting no replies from the broker contact I have from our company.
There are no records, just a letter from Zurich in Nov 2017 and the welcome pack from Aviva.
My first monthly payment into Aviva was Nov 2017.

Is that normal practice in transfers? There were no charges and the amount was the exact same.
If the transfer out date was Nov. 2017 then the date that that transfer was invested by Aviva should be a few days after that ie. when they received the money.

Documentation may not have been issued promptly but, when it was, there has to be a record of the investment date in Aviva.
