Pension fund options


Registered User
I have a pension in work that both myself and company contribute to. As far as I am aware the way in which this money is invested can be altered through the plan . Currently 80% equity and 20% Managed Fund I have set my pension at - Given all the market turmoil should I change my option to 100% Managed Fund?
I don't think you quite understand the terminology here. All pension funds are "managed". The difference however, is that you can have an actively managed fund or a passive fund. Either type of managed fund can be invested in equities.

Can you tell us the names of the funds you are invested in?
If as you say you change your allocation to 100% managed fund it will more than likely lower the overall risk & potential loss but do check out the prospectus etc as the name may not completely accurately reflect the strategy. You shouldnt really have any equities currently, i think for most people a pension is the one investment they dont want to be thinking about/losing sleep over..
You shouldnt really have any equities currently

Why would anyone buy stocks when they're cheap and the market is depressed. Much better to buy them when the markets are booming and the prices are high.
Is this a wind up?

I sense he/she was being sarcastic but talking perfect sense.

A pension is a long term investment so why not take advantage of the asset currently of best value???

Equities are cheap, may become more so but on a monthly payment plan such as a pension offer decent value LONG TERM i.e. 20-30 years.

Anyone starting an equity pension now in their early 20's putting in 10% and being match by an employer say 5% will become very rich indeed.