Pension for purchasing propertiy and equities



I want to use my pension to buy equities and property and take full advantage of the tax breaks that go with a pension. i would like to spend approx 10,000 euro p/yr on my pension. I went to see a certified advisor in F.E.N.and he agreed that this plan of mine was a good one. His fees to help me implement my plan were about 2000 euro.

I am wondering now how i can buy specific equities and properties for my pension and avoid these high fees....or perhaps the fees will be worth it in the end.

Those are very expensive charges, you should go see a PIBA registered broker, find one in your area at remember to negotiate!!

If the arrangement suggested by FEN is a self-administered pension plan, which gives you full control of what assets your pension fund buys, as distinct from a self-directed arrangement or an insured one, €2,000 is a reasonable fee for establishing one.

I'm all in favour of shopping around for professional services, but remember that if you want a self-administered scheme, you must use a Revenue approved pensioneer trustee, and I'm not aware of any that offer their services at a discount rate.

I have no connection with FEN.