Pension contribution limits


Registered User
Hoping someone can answer a question about limits for pension contributions relief and impact on AVC. I am 46 and earning €140K, from my reading there are two thresholds you can possibly have for tax relief; age based percentage of salary or maximum earnings threshold. I understand in my case it will be the maximum earnings that will take precedence so tax relief will be available up to 25% of 115K, is that correct? Secondly, is it employee contribution only that is taken into account when calculating scope for an AVC? So my contribution is 7% = 9800 (Employer matches), 25% of 115000 = 28750, so I have scope to make an AVC of 18950. Thanks.

By virtue of the fact that you're using the term AVC, I'm assuming that you're in an Occupational Pension Scheme as distinct from a PRSA. Strictly speaking AVCs are only applicable to Occupational Pension Schemes, but I've heard people refer to increases in PRSA contributions as "AVCs". Only reason that's important is that employer contributions to PRSAs are included in the 25% limits.