Pension charges calculator


New Member
I've been comparing the PRSA offerings from different providers recently and haven't found a way to easily compare the impact of the various charges applied i.e. all other things being equal, is a PRSA with 0.5% annual management charge (AMC) and 90% allocation better than one with 1.5% AMC and 100% allocation? So I made a Google spreadsheet...

Just fill in the yellow boxes to see the results - probably best on a PC rather than phone. It's fairly quick & dirty, there may be errors (please let me know!) and there's some assumptions that probably don't hold up in real life, but I think it's useful for comparing like with like.

(I should say the employer % is a percentage of your contribution, not a percentage of your salary - this is the way my employer does it i.e. if I contribute 30% they contribute 10% of 30% i e. 3%... S#it I know)
If you want to edit it for your own use please make a copy and edit that. I won't be giving people edit access to the original!
I've been comparing the PRSA offerings from different providers recently and haven't found a way to easily compare the impact of the various charges applied i.e. all other things being equal, is a PRSA with 0.5% annual management charge (AMC) and 90% allocation better than one with 1.5% AMC and 100% allocation? So I made a Google spreadsheet...

Surely not! Maybe 99%?