Currently retiring from Public Service . I am in my 60's
I previously served in the Defence Forces Pension for 14 years and I am in receipt of such pension.
I have worked part time in the Public service for 18 years since 2003 and my service amounted to just under 10 years
My combined Public Service is appox. 23 years .
For the rest of the time I worked in private industry and also studied full time for a couple of years.
I have just been notified that as I am in receipt of another Public Service Pension (Fefence Forces Pension) my benefits will be capped at 2012 under the Public Services Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012.
This means effectively nearly five years of service heave been eliminated for pension purposes and they are reducing my pension by that amount and also my lump sum has also been reduced accordingly.
I have paid full pension contributions for that period of time.
How is this even legal?