Pension Adjustment Order


Registered User
Hello All, Just looking for some direction.
I have a pension adjustment order associated with my pension scheme arising from a separation, however I never received any formal details on the adjustment order and what it contains, just the pension statements reference that there is an order associated. Where would one go to get visibility or a copy of what is contained in the adjustment order?
A pension adjustment order (PAO) has to be served on the trustees of a pension scheme or contract provider.

It looks like that has already been done and is referenced on your pension benefits statement.

Try contacting the trustees (or administrator) or contract provider for a copy of the PAO which will contain:

- Name of the scheme
- Members name
- Benefits to which the order relates
- Relevant period
- Relevant Percentage
- Name and address of the beneficiary

Alternatively, your solicitor must have a copy of the PAO I'd imagine as part of their client records.

It is a legal document issued by the court. Your solicitor will have a copy. The life company will also have one as they can't apply the PAO without it.

Steven (
Should a person cease contributing to the pension with the PAO and open a new pension for future contributions? How is the POA calculated?
Should a person cease contributing to the pension with the PAO and open a new pension for future contributions? How is the POA calculated?

It's a percentage of the fund accumulated between two dates, often the start and end dates of the marriage. It's not obligatory to stop contributions to a particular policy or scheme, as any fund accumulated after the end date would be disregarded. But to keep things simple, it can be a good idea to keep a separate fund post-PAO.