penalty points


Registered User
Well I finally got my first penalty penalty points and in fact only my second fine ever.(The first was for having one wheel in a delivery bay ).
I was done last night at 11.30pm for having no seatbelt. I was on my own in the car in town. I had been half asleep in the chair when my mother rang to remind me taht I had to put stuff into her attic before her sister arrived today. So I jumped into the car. I wouldn't mind only I am a pain in the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language with regard and wont start the car normally without everyone in the car having their belt on.
I always wear the seat belt and would expect that it was the only time this year that I didn't wear it. Murphys law.
I belive that before you egt penalty points they should look at your record to see if you have a good or bad record and if the former you should get a chance.
They were not the Roscrea guards rather from Thurles, why don't they stay in theior own town??.
They also were pulling at the most dangerous part of the road and nearly caused me to knock them down when he jumped out in front of me and nearly blinded me with the flash lamp. I couldn't see where I was going for a second.
I cant see what danger I was to anyone in any way.
I was driving well below the speed limits even though they pulled me on a sever down hill.
Surely they have better things to do with their time in their own town.
I did notice yesterday was June 30th last day of month, last day of quarter, last day of half year. Anything to do with geting up their numbers?????
rant over.
It's never fair when it happens to you.
I got my two points when doing 45 in a 40 zone on the Blanchardstown bypass.
I was breaking the speed limit though so I suppose it was my own fault...
I got two for doing 45 on the Tallaght By-Pass. When it was 40. Speed limit has changed. But no complaints, I happen to think hiding behind bus shelters in innappropate speed limit areas is a bad policy and does more harm than good, but that's beside the point.

I don't think checking a person's history and giving them a chance is a good idea. Arguably the point of giving a person two points is that you are giving them a chance.
If a person is a persistent offender they'll rack up more.

If as you say you're generally a good driver, you'll be unlikely to rack up more than
Two to Four Points.
