Penalty points notice query


Registered User
My wife got stopped a few weeks ago using mobile phone. Received fixed charge notice yesterday.Says on notice that offence happened at 8.55 hrs. Offence did happen but it happened at 8.55pm. Should this have been stated as 20.55 on fixed charge notice? Any wriggle room?
My wife got stopped a few weeks ago using mobile phone. Received fixed charge notice yesterday.Says on notice that offence happened at 8.55 hrs. Offence did happen but it happened at 8.55pm. Should this have been stated as 20.55 on fixed charge notice? Any wriggle room?

So someone forgot to change the clock when BST ended last week. It would seem a bit pedantic to try and "wriggle" out of anything. Maybe there's some technicality you can expose but why would you if she admits she was breaking the law?

Pay the fine.......and buy her a hands free kit. :)
Hands free kit broken. I'm looking for advice from someone who knows what they are talking about, not a politically correct reply like yours.
If they are using a 24 hour clock you could deny the charge proving you were somewhere else at the time stated. It would be trown out like a light I would imagine..
I had a bus lane fine cancelled by the garda station that issued it as they had the incorrect time on it so it can happen.

You should write to fixed charge section and explain that at 8.55 you were not on the road. They will write to the station although time to pay wont stop. Then write to the station informing them that you wrer not driving at the time on summons and they may have it cancelled.

I would agree that I hate the stupid "Pay the fine.......and buy her a hands free kit" quotes people leave. If you wont eal with the issue why post.
you gotta be joking - incident happened @ 8:55 - you got a notice to say 8:55 but you want to get out of it because it doesn't state in 24 hour notation - all that will happen is the guard will correct the incident time into 24-hour clock (if that was the issue) and re-issue the ticket.

seriously - if hands free kit was broken why did she answer the phone ? i'm sure it was a life threatening call that couldn't have waited until she stopped. ;)

And i'm commenting on this as a motorcyclist who has had more close shaves than I can count because of idiots on mobile phones.
I have seen speeding cases in court trown out for this if the system uses 24 hour time then the Guard is accusing you of comitting an offecne when you wernt there.
Regardless of the mistake its down to this. If the Guard is mistaken about the time he could be mistaken about the charge.
As the OP said he was asking for a reply based on legal rights not moral. If you cant reply to whats asked why go off on one about whats morally right or wrong. We dont have a Moral high court.
best of luck to the op then - go to court and I'm sure the judge will look favourably on the OP - maybe they can report back to us and let us know ?
The judge usually look unfavourably on the Guard for wasting the courts time.